Tired of the Bogging down when in the mud,water or going up a hill??
Tired of doing the Wheel Dance before you go off road?
Well here is your solution.. and it doesn't cost $99.99
It will cost you less then $20.00 and about 1/2 hour of your time...
There are two ways to go about this...
Option 1. You can pull out your owners manual ( If you got one) and fumble through the pages and find this
Now looking at that crazy chart.. you have some options, but; it doesn't totally disable all systems... If thats what your looking for
then Continue reading...
Option 2.. ESP/Traction Control/ABS Kill switch Jeep JK 2007-2011 (Not sure if they changed anything in 2012,13,14)
Before I explain how this works..
Need to throw in a Disclaimer -
I am not encouraging or condoning anyone to do this modification, nor am I responsible for any issues that could arise after that resulted from doing this modification.. I am just passing on general information, that allows you to have unrestricted control while OFFROAD.. By using this modification your jeep will not have the computer assisted systems that were provided by the manufacturer.. Use at your own risk
Items needed to complete modification:
2 prong toggle or switch
2 butt connectors or Solder & tape
Wire Cutters or Knife
short section of 14 or 16 gauge wire (Depending on where you locate the switch)
A steady hand and patience
So what your looking for to begin... Open the drivers door and look behind the center console for the main wire bundle
Once you find it.. GENTLY cut through the outter casing to access the wires..
NOW the important part ....
There are a Purple & Blue striped wire and a Purple & Light blue striped wires you need to get the right one.... which is Purple & Light Blue
Did I mention this is the IMPORTANT part ... time to foucus here ...
Seperate the wires the best you can so you can get a good look at them...
when you are confident you have the right one Cut the PURPLE & LIGHT BLUE one
Time to test to see if you cut the right one ....
Start the Jeep.. LEt it go through it's system test light cycle ... if you cut the right wire you will have three lights on the dash
1. Traction Control light (Jeep w/the wiggly lines)
2. ABS light
3. ESP off Light
If you got it right.. then wire up the switch to the butt ends and test it again with the switch off.. Your Jeep should act normal (NO LIGHTs). because the circuit is open... then flip the switch to ON ... it should kill the system.( THREE LIGHTS). Until you reset the switch to the OFF position & turn off and restart your Jeep
Remember you can flip that switch at any time and disable/kill those systems.. but you have to turn off the switch and re-start the jeep to reset the system .. If you are worried about warranty or the dealership.. hide the switch well..