Thought I would share with some general information to consider when you are recovering yourself or someone else. These charts are exact guidance because there are some variations between company specifications * Please refer to your specfic shackle when using this information *
A typical Screw pin shackle looks like this baby
A rated shackle will have the working load limit (WLL)stamped or raised on the body of the shackle.
There are basically two types, carbon steel and alloy steel. Known as grade A (carbon steel) or B (Alloy steel).
When doing a recovery you should think about what is the "Weakest Link" in the process, is it the Winch cable, the shackles, the connection point.. Okay we all do that ... But something that isn't always thought about is the angle of recovery... its great that we all have and use this strong power stuff, but; they all have limitations...
The following illustrations show the reduced strength on a shackle when pulled form angles
Please keep this info in mind when doing a recovery, so you & your Jeep make it out in intact