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  1. #1
    MallCrawler aven2rus's Avatar
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    Lake Ariel, PA

    White 2016 Willys Edition

    Just picked up a new Wrangler Unlimited Willys edition. My first JK but not my first Jeep, owned (2) TJ's, (1) LJ, (1) YJ, (1) ZJ, (1) XJ and my first Jeep in 1979 was a 1947 Willys Military Jeep.

    Was not very impressed with the Willys Edition options as a whole only because I will also be tossing much of it but was particular with my color choice and this fit the bill. Looking to get back to wheeling the local parks running while maintaining its daily driver manners.

    With plans for an electric locker, compressor and lights I started with addressing the future wiring needs now going with a Trail Rocker from Painless Wiring. This saves the headaches of switch mounting, pulling wire, relay and fuse, you know that tedious work where you are contorting yourself under the dash and hood.

    The plan was to take pics and document the install, until I opened the instruction and found that is exactly what the do for instructions, great pics of every step and easy to understand.

    I chose the Painless Trail Rocker because it comes wired, terminated, plenty of length and every wire has the switch location printed on the wire and color coded so wiring and future any trouble shooting is a breeze.

    Only issue I have is my first mod is hidden under the hood.

    Next is Bed Rug Bed Tred to replace carpet.

    Last edited by aven2rus; 03-09-2016 at 10:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Thanks I've never saw this painless setup before. Looks like a super clean way to power assessories

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    MallCrawler aven2rus's Avatar
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    Lake Ariel, PA
    Because my dog rides along often and sheds her fine white hair like snow I decided the carpet has to go. My last truck required hour to vacuum and the carpet was near impossible get the hair out. I also have a custom pet carrier/barrier be made at a canvas shop that should be ready this week I will post pics of.

    Bed liner was out of the question, to much work, costly and no going back. So I went with Bedtred by Bed Rug.

    The real work was I getting the old carpet out you have to break loose snaps under the fire wall and seats and make a few cuts. The material is fairly stiff so to make it pliable I left it in the house for a couple days, this made a world of difference from when it arrived.

    Had to drill the holes to maintain the tie downs. The fit was excellent and end result I am very pleased with.

    On to the front kit was breeze. They do not include the clips to hold the rubber mats mine came with or place for them so I will experiment with removing the stock ones in the morning. If that does not work they can be purchased on eBay. The mats seem to stay put but I would feel better knowing they are locked in place.

    All in all a great fit and exactly what I was looking for.

    I will get some more pic in after I figure out the clips.

    Next mod Skyjacker 4" lift with Lower adjustable Arms, M95 Monotube Shocks and Front & Rear Adjustable Track Bars. Finally something substantial.

    Last edited by aven2rus; 03-09-2016 at 10:09 AM.

  4. #4
    MallCrawler aven2rus's Avatar
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    Lake Ariel, PA
    Yes it is and installed in about an hour and a half. I have spent twice that to wire a single source in the past. I only had to contort myself under the dash once and done!

    The pink and green spares can be jumper to a switch if you want to run (2) items of any particular switch.

  5. #5
    Original Freak karls10jk's Avatar
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    Don't do the skyjacker kit, do your research and decide what will work better for you in the long run.

    White Willy's looks sharp...
    2010 Mango Tango 2dr on 33" STT's plus bumpers- no more, no less.

  6. #6
    No one special ShutterBug's Avatar
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    I'm interested in your feedback on the BedTred. Been thinking about that myself. Actually considering Tred in the back and Rug up front.

    2014 Black JK Sport-icon - My "Lil' Mule"
    JCR Offroad | Rock Krawler | Barnes 4WD | Artec | RCV | Ten Factory
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  7. #7
    MallCrawler aven2rus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karls10jk View Post
    Don't do the skyjacker kit, do your research and decide what will work better for you in the long run.

    White Willy's looks sharp...
    No offense intended but all's good with the kit. I have been wheeling since 1978 and owned about every wheel able version of Jeep made, trail guide at Paragon Park for 7 years, Jeep Jamboree guide, Camp Jeep guide, NEUROC Judge and work in the after market industry so well educated on suspension.

    I Ran Skyjacker on 4 of my Jeeps and been through a few other brands as well. They all have their strengths and weaknesses and gone through their trial & errors over the years.

    The biggest advantage I find with Skyjacker is the coils. They shot peen harden and preset their springs so long life, no break in required and avoid getting a sagging spring in a few months. I also like that the track bars and frame end of the arms are stock style rubber bushings same as stock so they hold up well and maintain road manners.

    I'm aware of the issue with their rod ends not holding up, so I purchased Curries. "UPDATE" Skyjacker just announced they now include Currie Rod Ends in their kits.

    Will also be avoiding the old school disconnects and running Teraflex. Had a set of Teraflex Disco that last 7 years of abuse at Paragon Adventure Park on my TJ Trail rig while the JKS lasted 6 months on my wife's LJ street ride so sold on Teraflex for sure.

    Again no offense and appreciate your show of concern.

    Last edited by aven2rus; 03-09-2016 at 10:14 AM.

  8. #8
    MallCrawler aven2rus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShutterBug View Post
    I'm interested in your feedback on the BedTred. Been thinking about that myself. Actually considering Tred in the back and Rug up front.
    Quote Originally Posted by ShutterBug View Post
    I'm interested in your feedback on the BedTred. Been thinking about that myself. Actually considering Tred in the back and Rug up front.
    Took it for a ride and it stays put as I figured it would with it being a precision fit and tucks up under all the lips same as carpet.

    It does have full coverage under the seats. This Pic is before the center piece install that provides full coverage was installed.

    I am still going to put clips in for the mats as they move around bit. If I can not remove the OE form carpet I will purchase those I found on ebay.

    Last edited by aven2rus; 03-09-2016 at 10:10 AM.

  9. #9
    MallCrawler aven2rus's Avatar
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    I am still going to put clips in for the mats as they move around bit. If I can not remove the OE form carpet I will purchase those I found on ebay.


    Managed to pry the clips apart and only cracked one. That clip however will still function so all good to restore the mat holders front and rear.

  10. #10
    MallCrawler aven2rus's Avatar
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    Installed the Skyjacker 4" kit. I chose the upgrade to M95 Monotube shock part number was JK40BPMSR. This the new Softride coils that are an OEM match to new spring rate found in 2014-up.

    I opted for adjustable front and rear track bars. The front track bar mounts in OEM locations so no need for required Pitman Arm purchase required when using the front brace that comes with the kit. Like this better to avoid any stress on the steering box sector shaft when using a drop pitman arm.

    The rear was not necessary as I set it at stock length with the rear bracket and brace that was included in the kit and was spot on. So in the end I could have purchased the kit (shocks included) and only the adjustable front track bar.

    Also went on the suggestion for a 3/4" spacer on the front to get the rake out. When I measure at the rock rail front and rear they are both 21 1/2". However the front wheel well appears higher with this set-up because Jeep front is open beyond the rear

    Also purchased the lower arm link as I plan to wheel it. I purchased Currie Rod ends knowing they hold up like nothing else and now find Skyjacker will be using them in their kits in the here on out.

    Installed and drove it now for a couple days, had my wife drive and a good friend with a stock 2015 and neither of could feel a difference in the ride. Smooth as it was stock. The only difference is the body roll is under control. Something that bothered be from the day I first drove it home so the with the M95 monotubes was a great choice, a vast improvement over stock in my high opinion.

    I clear coated everything in the kit to add some protection for the harsh winter conditions and chemicals PA uses on the roads. I find this works well with anything I put under my Jeeps to keep them looking good.

    Below are the specs before alignment. I asked for this to see the caster and ask they not touch it a because I took the time to lock the arms down on the bench and properly torque them and did not want them to touch the joints.

    I only added 1/4" over stock to achieve the caste.

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    Last edited by aven2rus; 03-09-2016 at 10:29 AM.

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