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  1. #1
    Senior Moderator

    ECHO's Avatar
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    Pennsylvania Grand Canyon
    10,353 & Echo Airbrushing 4th of July Giveaway

    I have a blank 50 Cal Ammo can sitting all alone in my paint shop!! Let's have some fun and do a giveaway!!

    The winner will receive that ammo can painted by me, in a design of there choosing...

    Sounds like fun doesn't it.. There's the catch (See rules!) Estimated value at $300.00

    Name:  p_105000077_1.jpg
Views: 308
Size:  19.3 KB

    Here are the rules:

    1. You have to be member of by close of contest date: (6pm on the 4th of July 2014) One (1) winner will be chosen by random number generator and posted later that night..
    2. You have to have a shipping address in the Lower 48 states in the U.S.A. (or help with shipping costs if living in another country)
    3. Each member can generate one (1) post in this thread with three (3) words only (HAHA! that's the catch)
    I will use those three words to design and paint your ammo can !! So choose wisely!!!! I will not confer with you during the
    process other then to post pictures of the progress on here! So those three (3) words are important

    Examples of chosen words might be:
    primary color , style ,theme, etc...

    4. any posts that contain more then three (3) words will be disqualified
    5. More then one (1) post by a member will be disqualified
    6. I will NOT Paint anything that degrades a persons race, sexual orientation, religion, culture or ethnic group..
    7. I cannot paint anything protected by copyright

    Other then that it's straight forward.. so lets have some fun with this... & I will just sit back and watch..
    Last edited by ECHO; 06-23-2014 at 10:52 PM.
    Hi I am Craig, Retired U.S.Air Force
    2008 Detonator Yellow JK
    Named " PEEJ"
    " What people think or say about me, is non of my business "

    .................................................. ....[

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