So as some may know we just recently had our "wonderful" president decide to turn just under 500,000 acres of the southwest into a national monument. It's a rather big blow to the off roading community as it contains probably one of the best areas for crawling in what's known as the Chile Challenge area. We decided that after it was signed in we'd take a little tour of the area to see what and IF any changes have been made or look to be made and decided to run Sandia Gulch and Amatista Ledges. This was also Rebelcrush's maiden voyage to the rocks and so the intent was to really put it to the test as much as possible.
Splitting the V-notch (also known as the license plate keeper since that's what it usually does) in Sandia Gulch
After clearing V-notch it was off to the other obstacle in the Gulch which threw a nice little 4 ft. ledge into our midst...
and right up she went...
From here a quick jaunt over to Amatista, which in the past we always have run in reverse since it's considered more entertaining that way but decided on running it north to south as it's supposed to be run...
I wound up walking right through oil change and headed down to between a rock and a hard tree and decided to make the attempt to run it...
The initial rock garden had it's share of surprises but the big obstacle really had a lot more to deal with...
In the end we realized I needed a few feet more behind me to really get the Jeep in position but the wall just was too close and I went ahead and got turned around and went out through the easier line...
We hit a couple other minor obstacles on the way out and called it a day...
Overall, the rear definitely needs the bumpstops cut down by an inch or so and the front needs about an inch added. I also need to figure out a better way to route the front brakelines and sensor lines as I keep hitting them...