The wife made it clear, 37's will happen if I can either A. trade for a set or B. run down these 35's... I've got some time...
The wife made it clear, 37's will happen if I can either A. trade for a set or B. run down these 35's... I've got some time...
"Not All Who Wander Are Lost..." - J.R.R. Tolkein
I'm a sucker to try new things when I can so when I saw there's a new company making bumpers I went and checked em out. Crawler Conceptz I know is either a love em or hate em company right now but honestly their skinny series front bumper definitely caught my eye. Aesthetically to me it has a more complete look to it compared to the bumper it gets it's basic looks from in the form of endcaps that have a flow to the edge of the main grill. They also had an FB special so I picked one up with fairlead mount and within a few days had it sitting on my doorstep...
It took me a bit before I was able to get it installed but that went pretty quick and rather painless...
"Not All Who Wander Are Lost..." - J.R.R. Tolkein
"Not All Who Wander Are Lost..." - J.R.R. Tolkein
I'll be getting out of here at about 11 tomorrow morning. I gotta hit some doctor's offices in New Mexico and than brace myself for the long drive home.
Jeep is looking good by the way
"Not All Who Wander Are Lost..." - J.R.R. Tolkein
Looks great Jason. Good job.
11 JKU
85 CJ-7
RED Friday (Remember Everyone Deployed)
Love the rig man!
2012 JK Sport "Tropicana"
3" Full Traction Lift
35 Pro-Comp Xtreme M/T
XRC Armor Fenders
Thanks guys!!! It's definitely been an interesting ride so far to say the least. I have in the mean time been able to get two shake down runs with her. The first was just a nice little outing from one volcano to another which requires a nice desert trail with some great terrain to test out on. Normally when we go out on this run top speed is usually no more than 40-50mph on the straight stretches and hitting cattle guards usually will get a Jeep off it's wheels. This go around our slowest speed was 50mph with a good section of the trail with me topping out at around 75-76mph and hitting cattle guards with zero air gap at any time... At one point the wife even commented it felt like we were on the interstate and not on a rutted dirt road...
As for the other shake down run well...
"Not All Who Wander Are Lost..." - J.R.R. Tolkein
Just a simple and quick upgrade... Tore off my license plate bracket on the shake down rock run and decided to go simple and ordered up an ORO tail light and 3rd brake light kit and combined it with my trasharoo for this...
"Not All Who Wander Are Lost..." - J.R.R. Tolkein