Well, there are 3 ways to post pictures.
First Way.
is through the manage attachments below.
click it and a screen will pop up.
in the top right hand corner, there is a button that says "add files" click it.
theres a limit of 5 photos per post this way.
there will then be a small pop up. click "select files" and select a file from your computer.
then upload file.
it will then come down to the box on the bottom like this
then, by clicking insert inline in the bottom right hand corner. it will send the photo to the jkfreaks.com post that you are currently on. and it will look like this
Second Way.
By clicking on the insert image tree in the given tools above your post.
you can then upload pictures from a website (URL) or from your computer like before.
They will turn out like this
Third Way.
Posting images that you dont have to click to see.
Such as:
To do this. you need to have the image in website form. the best way to do this is to use imageshack
once you have a photo chosen. you should have a link like this. http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/5068/80466631.jpg
Then, you will add [IMG] Before the link.
and then add, [/IMG] After the link. (no spaces)
Your picture will end up like this. (no spaces)
Feel free to test your photos here to make sure you get them right.