Thanks to Joe & Jenn at TeraFlex for the Great info and One of a kind Paint Scheme from there shop.. Thanks to Jason @ Rebel-OffRoad for the great deal and coordinating it all and getting it to my door in one piece...
The Conversion - So this is what I currently have and what I will convert too over the next couple of weeks
Currently - Stock - D30 2008 "X" - Upper and lower "C" Gussets - G2 5.13 Gears and Detriot TrueTrac - Driven with 33's 35's and now 37's with Stock axles, Ball Joints and U-Joints
TERA30 - Will take the G2 5.13 Gears and Detriot TrueTrac out and install into the Tera30 wityh a new master rebuild kit, will add new Synergy ball Joints and RCV axles to complete the package
So...My Axle arrived today from TeraFlex, Looks awesome!!! Very noticable difference in the Tube size over the stock D30/44 Tubes.
The housing itself looks like a 30 Pumpkin on Steriods.. with the extended housing which eliminates the long tude side weakness...
No Need for Gussets - The size of the new "C" 's are huge
Once I get the Stock axle pulled I will take some side by side shots for comparision...