JKFreaks 2007-2017 Wrangler JK Forum - 3.6L Engine Technical Discussion https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/ 3.6L Engine Technical Discussion en Sun, 30 Jul 2017 07:11:14 GMT vBulletin 60 https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/images/SeamusLight/misc/rss.png JKFreaks 2007-2017 Wrangler JK Forum - 3.6L Engine Technical Discussion https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/ P0305 misfire code https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21777-P0305-misfire-code&goto=newpost Sat, 22 Jul 2017 23:19:22 GMT I have a 2012 sport and I've had the same code throwing for the past 6 months. First it was going on and off and now it's on all the time. I have a reader and it's saying P0305 code...we replaced the cylinder 5 coil pack and plug, cleared the code and it came back on. Running out of ideas and really don't want to have to buy a new motor but I have 60 days to figure it out since I now have a rejected sticker on my jeep...

Any ideas or help is much appreciated! Thank you!!! ]]>
3.6L Engine Technical Discussion AxlBabe2 https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21777-P0305-misfire-code
3.6 Towing JKUR 3500+lbs https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21736-3-6-Towing-JKUR-3500-lbs&goto=newpost Mon, 03 Jul 2017 15:45:29 GMT Hello all, long time Jeeper, previous multiple TJs owner, just bought my first JKUR and now a new member of JKFreaks. To keep things simple all of... Hello all, long time Jeeper, previous multiple TJs owner, just bought my first JKUR and now a new member of JKFreaks.

To keep things simple all of this is assuming the jeep is stock. I understand lifts, larger tires, etc, all add various factors to towing capacity.

I wanted to ask you guys for some info about JKU towing, and possibly some first hand experience with going over 3500lbs. I understand Jeep writes that the JK and JKU recommended max is 3500 pounds when equipped with the factory package and all that (which immediately flags questions how can a shorter wheel base 2 door tow the exact same as a longer wheel base and heavier 4 door??). Point being, I think that a JKU is reasonably far more capable than that 3500 number, and Jeep does that most likely 'because lawyers'.....and because the factory Class II hitch on a JK/JKU is pretty weak in how it is attached.

What would be the hold back (aside from the hitch) in getting closer to the Class III 6000/600 capacity and tongue weight numbers?

Has anyone either added a trans cooler and Class III hitch via hitch or bumper swap...or a custom fab deal and towed 5000-6000? Thoughts?

Edit: for comparison sake, a 2012 Durango V6 has the same exact engine and transmission (automatic) as a 2014 JKUR and boasts a 6200lb capacity when equipped with the factory Class III hitch (which is 200 pounds over the industry standard Class III rating of 6000 but whatever). I know you cannot compare a Durango to Jeep give the differences in handling characteristics, center of gravity, but the point is that it is not a driveline or weight limitation considering the V6 Durango only outweighs the JKUR by roughly 400lbs. ]]>
3.6L Engine Technical Discussion jstone4646 https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21736-3-6-Towing-JKUR-3500-lbs