JKFreaks 2007-2017 Wrangler JK Forum - Around The Campfire https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/ Formally known as Off Topic Anything non JK related. Please keep it PG13. en Wed, 07 Jun 2017 12:49:56 GMT vBulletin 60 https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/images/SeamusLight/misc/rss.png JKFreaks 2007-2017 Wrangler JK Forum - Around The Campfire https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/ Today Show makes me sick! https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21633-Today-Show-makes-me-sick!&goto=newpost Sat, 27 May 2017 04:24:19 GMT Talk about a bunch of libtards! Turned it on at 0700 this morning and the first 14 minutes was devoted to bashing republicans and President Trump!... Talk about a bunch of libtards!

Turned it on at 0700 this morning and the first 14 minutes was devoted to bashing republicans and President Trump!

THEN they decided to address a little coverage to the murder of Coptic Christians in Egypt and after that the Islamic terrorist attach in the UK!

These people disgust me!

I know some apologists here will disagree with me, but thats the nice thing about this country, unlike others they may want to support!

God Bless America! ]]>
Around The Campfire CJ7nvrstk https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21633-Today-Show-makes-me-sick!
DFW golf fans https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21631-DFW-golf-fans&goto=newpost Sat, 27 May 2017 03:45:37 GMT Just a reminder that if you are active duty, reserves, or retired, you can get free tickets to The Colonial this weekend. Free food and drink as... Just a reminder that if you are active duty, reserves, or retired, you can get free tickets to The Colonial this weekend. Free food and drink as well!

We had a great time ar the Byron Nelson last weekend and plan on the same this weekend! ]]>
Around The Campfire CJ7nvrstk https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21631-DFW-golf-fans
Cancer sucks! https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21630-Cancer-sucks!&goto=newpost Sat, 27 May 2017 03:35:59 GMT That is all. That is all. ]]> Around The Campfire CJ7nvrstk https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21630-Cancer-sucks! Go topless day May 20th https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21598-Go-topless-day-May-20th&goto=newpost Mon, 15 May 2017 12:41:57 GMT Hey all! Just checking to see if anyone in the New England area is heading up to Monson, MA on Saturday for Topless Day! If so, anyone want to link... Hey all! Just checking to see if anyone in the New England area is heading up to Monson, MA on Saturday for Topless Day! If so, anyone want to link up?

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Around The Campfire Iwheels88 https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21598-Go-topless-day-May-20th
I was spotted by MAV204! https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21593-I-was-spotted-by-MAV204!&goto=newpost Fri, 12 May 2017 12:48:42 GMT Funny thing happened yesterday... I met my wife at the Lizard in Fairlawn after work for a drink and see a great looking jeep with a JK freaks badge... Funny thing happened yesterday... I met my wife at the Lizard in Fairlawn after work for a drink and see a great looking jeep with a JK freaks badge on it. So of course I part as close as possible and check it out while my wife "patiently" waits... When I come back out I see this on the window!


I had one of those big old grins the whole way home and it got me thinking about recent posts about fewer posts and dwindling members. While I am more of lurker than contributor, all of the JK Freak members I have had a chance to meet are great people. Members like MAV204 and many others continue to still make this a great forum!

I need to get back out on the trails and I think its about time I slap a JKfreaks decal on the Jeep!

Post over and thanks to all the forum members for making this the best JK place to be!
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Around The Campfire Mallicon https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21593-I-was-spotted-by-MAV204!
Funny things your friends say about Jeeps https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21588-Funny-things-your-friends-say-about-Jeeps&goto=newpost Tue, 09 May 2017 22:08:44 GMT A friend of mine was driving around town & knows I'm a Jeep owner. She texted me saying "I think I saw a Jeep with RBF (resting bitch face)". I responded..."do you mean an angry bird grille?" "Hmm that too" . Made me chuckle a little. I also told her I was definitely sharing this on the forum.

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Around The Campfire Iwheels88 https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21588-Funny-things-your-friends-say-about-Jeeps