JKFreaks 2007-2017 Wrangler JK Forum - Armor https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/ Sliders, bumpers and all other JK protection. en Tue, 25 Jul 2017 17:15:58 GMT vBulletin 60 https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/images/SeamusLight/misc/rss.png JKFreaks 2007-2017 Wrangler JK Forum - Armor https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/ JKU Corner Armor https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21745-JKU-Corner-Armor&goto=newpost Thu, 06 Jul 2017 20:10:30 GMT I really need to fix my corners that have been busted for a year now. I am thinking PSC. I like the look with the dual round LEDs and they seem to... I really need to fix my corners that have been busted for a year now. I am thinking PSC. I like the look with the dual round LEDs and they seem to be fitting very well. Anything else I should consider or look into? Aluminum or Steel? I am thinking steel as I have aluminum sliders and I see the impacts the rocks make on those

thanks for the help :beer: ]]>
Armor speed2005 https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21745-JKU-Corner-Armor
Artec Truss Info https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21717-Artec-Truss-Info&goto=newpost Tue, 27 Jun 2017 01:35:53 GMT So I met up with an old buddy of mine who is a welder for a living and does some damn impressive work. We got talking about a truss kit and he said,... So I met up with an old buddy of mine who is a welder for a living and does some damn impressive work. We got talking about a truss kit and he said, lets do it. So! thanks to the generosity of Shutterbug and JK Freaks, I'll be using my $100.00 wedding gift, I mean $100 Northridge4x4 gift certificate towards a D30 Armor kit from Artec.

I know I know. Why Armor a D30 when I'm going to break it and scrap it. For my needs, it fits into the budget and provides me with some peace of mind. Plus, I need a July project. I'm sticking with 35's for awhile to improve my driving skills and get wheelin' more. 37's are a bit out of reach with a wedding, a new house, and my soon to be wife starting a new job within 6 months.

So for those of you that know the system or have knowledge of installation. What are some key things him and I should be aware of while installing this kit?? He has done extensive frame cutting and lowering of vehicles and welds everything from MIG to TIG. I have confidence in him as a welder but I don't want to overlook anything that can help us.

I'm getting the kit with the track bar bracket at stock height. I will stay at a 2.5" to 3.5" max over the next 2 years and think this will provide the proper alignment I need. I'm currently at a 2.5" Rock Krawler lift.

Any and all insight will help!

https://www.northridge4x4.com/fits/2...rmor-kit-front ]]>
Armor Silver_JK https://www.jkfreaks.com/forums/showthread.php?21717-Artec-Truss-Info